(How to help an infant/child grow up with low vision)
Our child was born with low vision. To be specific the eye doctor said it was PHPV (Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous). The problem lies in the optic nerve. Images seen through the eyes do not reach the point of vision at the back of the eye as the optic nerve. Why this happens? Our doctor could not explain. It’s a birth defect that happens to 1 in 100,000 people. Something that doesn’t happen often apparently. He is very nearsighted and can see just the first two lines on the eye chart even with spectacles. The spectacles helped him see the second line.
The more time you spend and invest in your child’s upbringing, the better he/ she will be able to cope and the more loved he/she will feel despite having a disability in life. Life goes on, and so must we.

Bright and colourful musical Mobiles will not only attract your low vision child to its sound but also train him/her to focus. You need not make it go around. If you do wind it up, it goes around slowly and will help your child train his/her eyes on moving objects.



There are many types for many age levels. Choose one suitable for your child’s age. Toddlers and younger children like posters with large colourful pictures. Post them at the child’s eye level on blank walls around the house to give your child something to focus on as he/she learns to move around the house. Use blue tack instead of selotape or double sided tape. Blue tack are easily removed and don’t ruin your wall/paint. They can also be reused again and again.
These come in various sizes. Some are made of soft, colourful cloth, some are made from hardcover with thick pages and others are the usual type of books with soft pages. The more advance ones are electronic books which uses batteries and even have sounds with the pictures. Depending on your budget, get some suitable for your child’s age.
The pictures sometimes come with words and sometimes not. The child can look at the pictures at his/her own eye comfort level. You cannot force a low vision child to look at a book like a person with normal sight would. This is torturing the child. If others make comments, tell them your child has low vision. There is nothing to be ashamed about.

Depending on your child’s vision, you can still buy books for them. As they grow older, you and your eye doctor/optometrist will be able to decide what font size your child will be able to read. People with low vision may not be able to see far but some do have good near sight and small writings are not a problem for them. The larger and bold the writing the easier for a low vision person to read it.
I have a few sample of different font size here for comparisons.
For older kids, there are puzzles with small to extra large pieces available in the market. Choose those suitable for your child’s vision level. This is a fun way for him/her to focus, first on the small items then on the larger picture once it is done.NIB SIZE, CLARITY

Once your child starts to go to school it is good to help him/her as much as possible in being able to write as well as read his/her own writing.

Low vision people can see darker colours better than lighter ones. Darker ones are like Dark Blue, Black or Purple. Medium colours are like Red, Green and
If your child has the added problem of colour blindness, consult your eye doctor on which colour he/she can see best. Use these to your child’s advantage as he/she grows up.(ie; buy clothes and toys in these colours).

Train your child to see depth perception. Get him/her to colour sample pictures like this and to look at art pictures which has depth perception.

This exercise trains the child’s eyes to focus from one thing to anther. You can make it easier by spelling and reading the word for him/her but if he/she is old enough let them try it on their own. Let them be independent.
This second exercise is harder. Not only is the writing smaller but there are more numbers/alphabet to follow. You can help by enlarging the writing for your child if he/she still can see it with the help of magnifying glass.
A school age child should be able to spell simple words and find the words in the box. You can help by making a window on a piece of paper or by giving him/her a ruler to locate the words. Once he/she is getting good at this exercise, take away the ruler/ window and let him/her use the eyes instead. This may take time to improve but be persistent and patient.

This exercise is similar to the one above but it is harder. It has more words to search for. Once your child knows how to read, train him/her to memorize the words before looking for them.
Be creative. Find other ways to help your child to improve his/her memory so that he/she will be able to learn better and faster once he/she is of school going age. Even if he/she has to stand near the board to see something, he/she won’t need to do it often.
1. Shopping lists: Start with just a few things to buy (pretend) then as his/her memory improves, make the list longer and longer.
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