Money is not an end unto itself, it liberates a person from the monotony of the 40 hour working week; It provides us with the independence to do what each of us really wants to do with our life. What could be more important than that? - from the book “How to Grow Rich” by Frank Newman .
Realisation is one of the ten step action plan that is outlined by Frank Newman in his book and it is summarized as follows:
a)Slavery is alive and well. Without financial independence you are slave.
b)Achieving financial independence will take time, dedication and a lot of hard work.
c)Everyone has the ability to be successful, but very few have the desire nor the commitment.
Can you imagine having to work all your life and not have enough money to pay the bills. You can never become rich working with somebody.
Quotable Quotes
“To live life, one must be prepared to take risks. This life is meant to be lived, and that means to live dangerously” anonymous
13 August 2007
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Monday, August 13, 2007
Labels: Personal Development
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