The most common reason most people at work do not do what they suppose to do because they don’t know how to do it.
For example, a typical manager knows that they suppose to motivate their office staffS to do their job better but they themselves don’t know how to do it (how to motivate them). Instead, the manager resorts to scream and threaten their staff. (and to some extend showing their knuckle as if they are strong i.e. act of stupidity really.
Just because you tell your staff to do, it is not the same as teaching them to do it. When you tell them, you order them to do it whereas when you teach them you show them how to do it.
Managers make too many assumptions about what people know without checking their assumptions. They promote the best accountant to accounting supervisor without providing any training in how to supervise people. Managing people is difficult if you don’t know how to go about managing them.
There are three main reasons why employees or office staff don’t know how to do what they are supposed to do because:
a) Managers assume the employees know how to do it.b) Managers really believe they are teaching when in fact they are only telling.
c) Managers decide not to waste the time needed for teaching.
Normally managers trying to minimize training time in order to get the employees to produce output sooner without realizing that when people do not know what they are suppose to do, while receiving full monthly payment give poor service or produce non sale-able and/or low quality product or output, or they damage equipment and costumer relationships. All these contribute to higher cost to the management.
This scenario is still happening today and most of the top management are blind, plain stupid, idiot and just plain dumb.
Therefore, to avoid these unnecessary problems and non-productive, the management or manager should used their head more often and think wisely in providing solution to prevent or minimize the on-going and never ending problem.
Below are some suggestion to help the manager or management prevents employees of not knowing how to do what they suppose to do.
a) Carefully select a suitable person to train the new employees. The trainer must be fully knowledgeable, skillful and know the subject well and know how to teach people.
b) Device a training manual for the trainer to help guide and standardized the training manual for newly recruited employees.
c) Provide details reference manuals for employees. List the kinds of problems, along with the appropriate solutions, to help them solve problem when doing their job.
d) In all jobs where failure is rampant, give employees practice in simulation of the actual work so they make their mistake where the cost of failure to the management and employee is minimal.
e) Create a test for all new employees on a job so they can fine-tune their knowledge and know whether learning has actually occurred. The test can be both written and practical. If the employees do not pass the test, make the necessary arrangement to send them for more training.
Like I have said before again and again, if all these effort end in failure, sack or fired the manager.
Ref : Why Employees Don’t Do What They’re Supposed To Do – Ferdinand F. Fournies
Recommended Reading:
22 July 2012
Posted by
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Labels: general, Management
18 July 2012
Never Forget Your Past
I can't believe I am writing this because I don't like to remember the past especially if it about something personal and you don't want to recall it. Anyway, just to share with you a story about Bill Gates and his past.
The story begins like this. Bill gates was having a wonderful lunch with his son in a cafe. After eating, he gave $10 to the waiter as a tip. The waiter looks surprise and a bit sad. Bill Gates realized and asked the waiter if there is anything wrong. The waiter answered that he is not quite please with the tip after all he is serving the richest man in the world and he would expect a bit more from him. On the other hand the waiter said that his son, seating on the same table as him, gave him $500 instead.
Bill Gates answered with his famous smiling face and said “Now look here sunny, showing his fist as if he is about to slap the waiter”, stop this nonsense and get back to work. You know something bill gated added, he gave you more because he is the son of the richest man in the world (period) but I am the son of a lowly paid government servant.
The waiter answered, if you don’t want to give just say so. You don’t need to tell your past and showing your not so tough knuckles. As if I am scared.
So, the moral of the story is: Sometime past can be nuisance and pain in the neck and some people say that past is your best teacher. To me the past is bloody ….something and it more than a pain in the neck.
Posted by
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Labels: general;
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